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Please note that the above is a true story of Marc Lescarret's interaction with a prospect. The prospects name has been changed to protect their privacy. We used to provide more detailed complementary reviews, despite our huge find this prospect ghosted us. We now offer this level of  detail as part of a pre-paid service package for non-clients.

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  • Almost any kind of analysis you would like. Ask Us>>
  • Don't have a clue where to start, we can look at everything and help identify your most pressing issue that you may not be aware of.
  • How does this work? We build a custom game plan together to determine:
  • The level of work needed.
  • How many meetings and time involved to get results.
  • If we need to get outside help in your area of concern.
  • Services include things such as:
  • Enhancements to your portfolio based on your goal which may include:
  • More tax efficiency
  • More income
  • More stability
  • More growth
  • Tactical Planning or more certainty
  • Areas of deep analysis may include:
  • Retirement strategy or cashflow plan
  • Insurance coverage needs
  • Pension payout questions 
  • Social Security Strategies
  • Roth Conversion Strategies
  • Scenarios for relocation or second home purchase.
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Do you have 95% of everything figured out, it's that last 5% that will hurt. Lets find and fix it together!

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-Here Are Some Of Our Comments In The Media-

Nov. 6, 2023

Article (Before you help your kids pay their student loans, consider these points)

“If you can’t afford to pay off a student loan it could be nice to have the student or graduate live at home for a few years. If cheap rent is close to $2,000 a month, a few years at home can do wonders,” says Marc Lescarret of Marc Alan Wealth Management in Rockaway, New Jersey.

And if you have teenagers considering college soon, it is not too early to look for ways to lower future college expenses.

“Best yet, everyone needs to take school seriously. If you aren’t expecting a future job to pay big bucks, they may wish to attend a cheaper school or do school part time and get the employer to help,” Lescarret says."

November 1, 2023

Article (Tips for House Hunters Frustrated With Frozen Real Estate Market)

Renovations: A close cousin to the parent loan — one idea financial advisers offered, for those fortunate enough — is renovating an existing family home to accommodate more people.

Upsides: Expanding an existing property can be a good way to put savings to use without the need to take on an expensive mortgage, said Marc Alan, owner of Marc Alan Wealth Management in Rockaway, New Jersey. Parents get a renovated home and more time with their adult children, who get housing and can stop renting. A possible plan could include the child later inheriting the entire house as well.

Downsides: “You have to like your parents,” said Alan. They also have to live in an area close enough to the jobs and schools a younger family may need. Like building a house from scratch, renovations aren’t everyone’s idea of a good time. And zoning regulations may prevent expansions — or any significant change — so it’s important to check local laws first.

"People ask me why I am so enthusiastic all the time

My answer, I am teaching virtually every prospect I encounter concepts they never knew existed. Without our conversation they would have sabotaged their wealth for generations."

Marc Lescarret, CFP(R)

Owner Marc Alan Wealth Management

Experienced Wealth Management

 -More Than Investing-

A Partnership That Can Last A Lifetime & Beyond

Marc Alan Wealth Management 


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