Capital Gain Tax Shelters

One Time Tax Shelters

$50k in Capital Gains Or Higher

(For Accredited Investors Only)*

Please note that the above is a true story of Marc Lescarret's interaction with a prospect that became a client and purchased a one time plan. The prospects name has been changed to protect their privacy. If we win repeat business from this client that will be grandfathered into our pricing model, to be fair to our current clients,. The longer a prospects waits to take action the worse the deal they will receive.


-You Only Have 180 Days-

 From When You Realized The Sale**

**If the gain is recognized by a passthrough entity (PTE), an individual owner/investor in that entity may have additional options for when the 180-day investment period begins. The PTE owner/investor can elect to use any of the following dates to start the 180-day period: the PTE’s gain date, the last day of the PTE’s tax year, or the original due date of the tax return for the PTE reporting the gain.

"Too many advisors and CPAs say you are stuck; deal with the taxes.

It is time to tell them that they might be wrong."

This service is for accredited investors only see the explanation below*

Eliminate Future Taxes & Mitigate Your Current Capital Gains Tax

  • Defer capital gains that you created within the IRS 180 day deadline to qualify. For details, Contact us>>
  • Most capital gains can be deferred, which includes sales of:
  • Stock
  • S Corp/other structures w/ capital gains treatment
  • Bitcoin (cryptos)
  • Home sales: primary, secondary & Investment
  • Capital gain distributions from a mutual fund.
  • For more details see video below or contact us>>.
  • In order to delay the capital gain, the gain must be at least $50,000 or higher and you have at least this amount to invest in passive real estate.
  • You do not need to invest all of the proceeds from the sale, only the capital gains value. You keep your principal. See video below for details, risks & disclosures.
  • Investments that delay your tax bill may have additional features where they give you cash back to pay towards a future tax bill and tax free gains from future sales, see below videos for details.
  • Work with fiduciary Learn The Difference>>
  • Generate new tax preferential rental income
  • Obtain refunded commissions
  • No Products Ever Pay Us a Commission
  • This makes us the most affordable option
  • This may help reduce your risk since we do not have the incentive to steer you toward the highest commission product.

Who created your tax event?


Was it your advisor or you?

Let's prevent that from happening again, investment clients receive an extra discount for this service.

Learn More >>

Sponsors: We use the largest sponsors with a history of preserving and growing assets.


Some investments receive benefits through the IRS that can completely eliminate capital gain taxes if followed accordingly. Other methods for tax elimination may involve careful planning with the aid of Marc Alan Wealth Management and the careful review of your accountant and lawyer.  Elimination of gains could be impacted by changes in future tax laws or poor execution. Marc Alan Wealth Management is not an accountant or a lawyer and highly recommends you seek the aid of one. Each circumstance may be different.

*These solutions are only available to Accredited Investors,

The SEC defines an accredited investor as either:

1. An individual with gross income exceeding $200,000 in each of the two most recent years or joint income with a spouse or partner exceeding $300,000 for those years and a reasonable expectation of the same income level in the current year.

2. A person whose individual net worth, or joint net worth with that person's spouse or partner, exceeds $1,000,000, excluding the person's primary residence.

 Are You A Landlord That Wants To Sell But You Are Afraid Of The Taxes?

Click here to learn more>>

You Aren't Being Guided Into A Product Just Because It Pays A Nice Commission.

-Our Interests Are Aligned With Yours- 

About Us>>

Get Rid Of Unwanted Highly Appreciated Assets

Keep the Principle

Just Reinvest The Gains

Hurry! The Concept Of This Kind Of Tax Deferral Is Expiring

-It Was Created From The Tax Reform Act of 2017-

The Act May Not Be Renewed

Let Us Get You Grandfathered In!

You only have 180 days from the realization date. For additional details, Contact us>>

"People ask me why I am so enthusiastic all the time

My answer, I am teaching virtually every prospect I encounter concepts they never knew existed. Without our conversation they would have sabotaged their wealth for generations."

Marc Lescarret, CFP(R)

Owner Marc Alan Wealth Management


Information provided is for informational and/or educational purposes only and is not, in any way, to be considered investment advice nor a recommendation of any investment product.

No investment strategy or risk management technique can guarantee returns or eliminate risk in any market environment. All investments include a risk of loss that clients should be prepared to bear. The principal risks of the Advisor’s investment services are disclosed in the publicly available Form ADV Part 2A.

Some investments are illiquid and may require a hold period beyond ten years; reach out for further details.

Although this material is based upon Information the Advisor considers reliable and endeavors to keep current, the Advisor does not assure that this material is accurate, current, or complete, and it should not be relied upon as such.

Experienced Wealth Management

 -More Than Investing-

A Partnership That Can Last A Lifetime & Beyond

Marc Alan Wealth Management 


Registered Investment Advisor Firm

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